100% open and free
Use and tweak for your own personal/commercial projects. No strings attached.
Ready for prime time
Rock solid projects, handcrafted by creative pros
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Learn by looking the creative pros over the shoulder
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Create an interactive picture book with a 3D page flip effect.
Animated Web Banner
Create an eye-catching web banner with a reusable curtain reveal effect.
Ski Jump Game
Build a fun simple ski jump game with variation component.
Animated Explainer
Learn how to use simple animations to bring stories to life!
Animated Infographic
Create engaging infographics with animation and interactivity
Responsive Hero Element
Create animated hero elements with responsive layouts - for the best look on all devices.
Interactive Portfolio
Create an interactive scenery with zoom effect and triggered animations
Parallax Panorama
Create a parallax perspective in Hype with pan controls
Secondary Animation Library
Pick from a selection of reusable secondary animations suitable for almost every project.
Physics Game
Create an angry birds like Hype Project with physics and drag logic
Recipe: Character Animation with Keyframes
Creating a simple wave animation with single keyframes